“Evacuation of the Ladies,” from the series The Inner Precincts of Chiyoda Castle (Chiyoda no Ōoku, Otachinoki) by Yoshu… https://www.rawpixel.com/image/9086648/image-paper-art-vintageFree Image from public domain licenseWomen's Activities of the Tokugawa Era: Creating Bonkei Tray Landscapes by Toyohara Chikanobu https://www.rawpixel.com/image/11931580/image-face-person-artFree Image from public domain licenseThe Third Princess and Kashiwagi, from Chapter 34, “New Herbs I (Wakana I)” (Nihon shinnō onna sannomiya) by Yoshu Chikanobu… https://www.rawpixel.com/image/9086693/image-paper-art-vintageFree Image from public domain license